Table of Contents

PART I : Providential Preparations For The Messiah

1The Mission of the Messiah1
Replacing Adam as God’s Sinless Son
2The Cain-Abel Paradigm11
The Key to Understanding Providential History
3Jesus: God or Man?18
Addressing Christological Confusion
4Did Jesus Pre-Exist His Birth?30
The Role of Predestination in the Providence
5Jesus Embodied the Mosaic Law36
The Transition From Servant to Son
6The Tabernacle and Temple Foreshadowed the Messiah43
Establishing a Tradition of Obedience to Abel
7Jesus Belongs to the Order of Melchizedek50
The Messiah is Both High Priest and King
8Was Mary the Mother of God?57
Seeking a Sinless Woman to Replace Eve
9Providential Women Risk all to Restore Eve65
An Old Testament History Leading to Mary
10Jesus Inherited the Missions of Moses and David85
Combining the Roles of Priest and King
11Combining the Roles of Priest and King95
Central and Supporting Providential Developments

PART II: The Providence Betrayed In The Crucifixion

12Jesus’ Difficult Early Life110
His Family Failed to Support Him
13The Sermon on the Mount126
Teaching the Way of Abel
14Parables and Miracles to Open Minds and Hearts136
A Stubborn People Rejected Jesus’ Message
15Jesus’ Mastery of the Spirit World142
Cain and Abel Spirits and Angels Influence Our Lives
16Persecution by Israel’s Political Establishment152
Herod and Pilate had Jesus Tortured and Killed
17Persecution by Israel’s Religious Establishment158
The Wise Men of the Temple Rejected Jesus
18The Doubting Mind of John the Baptist166
The Crucial Mission of Elijah Went Unfulfilled
19The Catastrophic Consequences of John’s Failure182
Moses and Elijah Confirm a Change in Jesus’ Mission
20Betrayal By His Disciples192
Satan Invaded the Inner Circle of Jesus
21The Tragic Death of Jesus on the Cross201
Cain-type Forces Conspired to Kill Christ

PART III: Christians Inherit A Providential Mission From Jesus

22Consequences of the Crucifixion214
The Creation of an Otherworldly Kingdom
23The Meaning of Salvation Through the Cross224
Why the Kingdom of Heaven Remains Elusive
24Inheriting the Mission of Jesus238
The Path to Becoming One with Christ
25Inheriting the Mission of Israel251
Christians Must Learn from the Israelites’ Mistakes
26The Providence Unfolds Through Christianity258
Preparing for the Second Coming of Christ
27Christianity as Global Abel271
The Challenge to Save a Cain-Dominated World
28The Role of Christianity in Conflict and War283
The Importance of Discerning Cain from Abel
29Christianity and Judaism301
Becoming An Abel-Type Younger Brother
30Christianity and Islam308
Becoming An Abel-Type Older Brother
31Christianity and Marxism323
Becoming a Resolute Abel to Defeat Cain
32Christianity and Science348
Humanism Spurs Both Reformation and Renaissance
33Thy Kingdom Come on Earth361
Culmination of the Divine Providence

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Thomas Cromwell

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